So the manual says, remove the 6 nuts from the bearing retainer studs and remove the half shaft. What it should say is spend 4 hours with a hammer, drill and various other tools drilling out the studs before you can remove the shaft. The studs had corroded themselves to the axle flange so that removal of the half shaft was impossible without drilling them out.
Anyway, job now done and half shaft removed as per the photo. Two of the part drilled studs can be seen still in the left hand side of the retainer.
I now have the much harder job (according to the manual, so God help me!) of removing the bearing in order to get to the oil seal I need to replace. This will require fabricating a tool to press the shaft through the bearing. Luckily, I have acquired some 2" galvanised pipe and fittings and I intend to use these for the tool. With a bit of luck, I hope to have the tool made for the end of the month (competing in the Dublin Marathon next weekend), and it will be all systems go for the next stage. In the meantime, I've started to clean up the removed brake components ready for a coat of paint.